What is a Co-PP?

Notebook I have in my possession a copy of the Irish Catholic Directory 2018, printed just before COVID. There are over 4,000 priests named in its index, but only a handful of Co-PPs. An Irish Catholic Directory 2024 (if there were one) would include quite a few more. I am one myself, since 2022. But…

Sacrificing the few for the many

Notebook The ‘Big Day’ has come and gone: Confirmation Day in my parish, that is. was one of those pastors fortunate to be assigned a ceremony in the Easter season, so we celebrated the sacrament in Castlehaven and Myross Parish on April 26, the day after my birthday. I feel lucky to have had such…

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A Rome reunion to remember…

I became a priest in 1984, 40 years ago this year. In that year, 44 of us were ordained after studies at Maynooth. By my reckoning, 20 of us still serve in active ministry in this country. Many classmates have met up every year since for a reunion, each organised in a different part of…

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Buried without compassion

I received an anonymous letter a few weeks ago. I don’t normally read such correspondence but was about halfway through the screed when I realised it was unsigned. The letter was sent to inform me of the death of a priest-colleague, in another part of Ireland. The deceased was a paedophile. He had served time…

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