Category: Feature

The corporate lawyer who became a Dominican friar

Fr Benedict McGlinchey “Do you judge them to be worthy?” is a question that the ordaining Bishop asks during the Rite of Ordination to the priesthood. It is unlikely that any newly ordained priest really feels himself worthy of the gift of priesthood that he has received. But that sense of unworthiness sits alongside a…

Why has Dublin’s Muslim population grown so fast?

Matt Letourneau At first glance, Ireland may seem dominated by one religion: Christianity. Although the majority would describe themselves as Christian, Ireland is still filled with people from all walks of life, cultures, backgrounds and faiths. If you dig past Dublin’s Catholic and Protestant roots, you can unearth various beliefs, sects and churches. For instance,…

A Catholic ethos and identity – St Mary’s University College in Belfast

The recently installed Bishop of Down and Connor, Alan McGuckian SJ attended the Commencement Ceremonies for graduands at St Mary’s University College in Belfast throughout the month of June. As Chair of the Board of Governors at the College, Bishop McGuckian, presided at celebrations for awards in Religious Education, Liberal Arts, Irish-medium education as well…

Poetry and art in the face of barbarism

Ambassador Arkady Rzegocki Twenty years ago, on a bright May day in Dublin, the whole of Ireland was a witness to a fine homecoming. The country that over the centuries saw many of its people leave and go into exile, this time welcomed at the clear waters of the Phoenix Park the ten European countries…

Kaya Jones, from Fame to Faith

In an interview with The Irish Catholic, former Pussycat Dolls singer Kaya Jones opened up about her dramatic life transformation, from Hollywood stardom to becoming a vocal advocate for faith and pro-life causes. The Grammy-winning artist, now 39, shares her personal struggles, spiritual awakening, and mission to inspire the youth. Known for her successful pop…

A city and its people of Faith

Paschal Scallon CM   Old maps of Dublin are fascinating. I like one in particular published in 1797 by William Faden, cartographer to the King and the Prince of Wales. In it, the city of Dublin does not extend further than either the North Circular Road or the South Circular Road. In fact, the city…

The dream of children and the impoverished surrogate

Sandra Adams   The Assisted Human Reproduction Bill was passed by the Houses of the Oireachtas on June 27. The bill and its amendments legislate for In vitro Fertilisation (IVF), gamete and embryo donation, stem cell research and domestic and international surrogacy. People who seek to adopt children in Ireland are subject to stringent and…