Category: Reviews

Christopher Moriarty The North Bull Island is one of the most remarkable and most treasured of all the landforms in Dublin Bay. That is quite an achievement because the bay contains in a small space a truly amazing abundance and variety of natural and man-made habitats which serve both wild plants and animals and not…

Mary Litton Here is a book which anyone interested in flowers and plants will enjoy and learn from. But it is a large scholarly work, and though written in an attractive and lively style, it still runs to nearly 800 pages and its price is commensurately high. Peter Wyse Jackson was formerly the director of…

This book is aimed at the business community, but other readers may feel they might profit from it. The author suggests there are three simple rules governing thinking: eliminate information overload, transform negative thinking into postive action, and think clearly in the moment. Yet these rules, clear as they are, run counter those which apply…