We cannot redefine marriage

Dear Editor, That God’s will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven, is a petition in the Lord’s Prayer, commonly said by Christians. Then, due to human weakness, and often falling short of our good intent, we can still confidently rely on God’s love and mercy, because our prayer also includes the petition: “Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive others.”

Jesus unequivocally taught that from the beginning, God’s unchanging will is that marriage be a unique, exclusive and indissoluble union between a man and a woman (Mt 19:4-5). 

So does it not logically follow that Christians,  while praying that God’s will be done, served only to convict ourselves of hypocrisy, if  by referendum vote, we opt  to supplant God’s will with a man-made and false redefinition of marriage?

Yours etc.,

Brian Rooney,


Co. Down.