Category: Letters

Keep your lamps lit

Letter of the week Keep your lamps lit Dear Editor, I have just finished reading the history of the Catholic Church, and how the early Christians and Christianity in general, survived the persecutions of the first 300 years, is a testament to the words of Jesus to St Peter, “On this rock I will build…

ETB schools neglecting faith formation

Letter of the week ETB schools neglecting faith formation Dear Editor, The article by Fr Martin Delaney in the July 4 edition of The Irish Catholic was very apt, articulate and welcome. It was most timely for many of us: pastoral leaders, concerned parents and board of school management members, who are trying our best,…

Human trafficking: a crime against humanity

Human trafficking: a crime against humanity Dear Editor, I was deeply moved by the recent article discussing the escalating issue of human trafficking and the call for increased parish involvement in combating this grave injustice. Cardinal Vincent Nichols’ stark observation that “things are getting worse” underlines the urgent need for action within our communities [The…

The legacies left behind

Dear Editor, Fr Rolheiser wrote (The Irish Catholic 20/6/2024): “How we die leaves behind a legacy, a particular spirit, which either nurtures or haunts those left behind”. Reading that I thought of Charlie Bird and Rob Burrow. They suffered and died from Motor Neuron Disease which is a debilitating condition that is very demeaning, horrifying…

Women could be named Ministers

Women could be named Ministers Dear Editor, Dr Cerrato tells us women may not be ordained deacon for “fundamentally theological” reasons [The Irish Catholic – June 6, 2024].  Also, while there were “Deaconesses” in the past, he points out they were not “equivalent” to male deacons. He may well be right, but that need not…