Category: Comment & Analysis

On being the beloved disciple

The Gospel of John presents us with a very powerful and rather earthy mystical image: as John describes the Last Supper scene he tells us that as they were at table the beloved disciple was reclining with his head against Jesus’ breast. The power of that image has, I believe, been better captured by artists…

I am a Catholic …

The Notebook Fr Vincent Sherlock   I remember as a child, having a small plastic wallet with a religious medal inside and a printed card which read: “I am a Catholic, in case of accident, please notify a priest”. I don’t know where I got it but I remember having it. The message was clear.…

Be careful of offering hostages to fortune

There were many who found the street celebrations after the abortion referendum somewhat distasteful, and this extended to the British media, even among those who endorsed Repeal. In the Daily Mail, Richard Littlejohn wrote that “while the Irish referendum result is welcome, I found the near hysterical reaction to it pretty nauseating”. A correspondent to…

I grieve for those who won’t be born

The View   As the dust settles on the repeal of the Eighth Amendment to the Irish Constitution, I watched the joy, the rapture, the excitement, the delight of those who voted ‘Yes’ in the referendum with disbelief. They argue that what they were celebrating was the recognition of a woman’s right to choose what…

Believers must dry their tears and burn bright

Fr Conor McDonough   I’ve been dreading the writing of this column for weeks, and hoping beyond hope that I would be able to write on the basis of a different result. For those convinced that unborn humans deserve legal safeguarding, a group which includes people of all religions and none, the result is a…