Category: Videos

The Confession Box – Episode 24

Getting back on God’s path In the latest episode of The Confession Box, host Wendy Grace chats with Rob O’Hara the youth coordinator for the Diocese of Armagh. In our conversation, we hear about his life, the ups and downs and what role faith has played in it all, from love to loss to looking…

The Confession Box – Episode 22

Episode 22: Is a smartphone free childhood possible? The overwhelming evidence on the impact of digital devices on children’s mental health and development continues to mount. But is it possible to get the genie back in the bottle? In this episode of The Confession Box, Wendy Grace talks to one of the founders of a…

Birthgap – is population collapse the next pandemic that dare not speak its name? On the latest episode of The Confession Box, host Wendy Grace talks to data scientist and demographer Stephen J. Shaw about the detrimental impacts of population decline. Stephen explains the shocking revelations from his documentary film “Birthgap – Childless World” including:…

Episode 20: Catholic youth looking for community and depth Eoin McCormack, a parish catechist from a busy Dublin parish, is in The Confession Box studio this week to tell us what young Catholics are searching for and what challenges they are facing in a culture that has steadily walked away from traditional faith.

How to answer your child’s difficult God questions In the latest episode of The Confession Box, we speak with Julianne Stanz about faith and children’s faith formation – what would you say to a 7 year old if they ask you what’s the closest planet to heaven? Julianne is the author of ‘The Catholic Parents…

In the latest episode of The Confession Box, Wendy Grace talks to Fertility expert Dr Phil Boyle, the president of the International Institute for restorative reproductive medicine. Wendy and Dr Boyle explore Ireland’s falling fertility rate and the impact that the ‘birthgap’ will have socio economically, the Government spending taxpayers money on Fertility treatments that…

Are content-creating children safe in the online sphere? Are they protected from being hypersexualised by thousands of viewers? Are brands using ‘child influencers’ encouraging an unhealthy industry where parents ‘manage’ their child’s time and money for their personal gain? What are the long term psychological consequences of such an upbringing? Regular hosts Brandon Scott and…

Changes not seen in the Irish Church for 1000 years happened today, when the Papal Nuncio announced the effective amalgamation of western dioceses. What does this mean for the Irish Church and is this the end of the beginning of the end of institutional Irish Catholicism? Michael Kelly joins us in studio for a Confession…