Moderation is better than detoxification

Simpler moderate approaches to detox the body of toxins

Detoxification, or detox, is the process of removing toxic substances from the body. Diets that claim to effect a full detox in a matter of days have been around for decades, and several different methods exist. While not scientifically proven to remove any toxins from the human body, many people claim feeling more focused and energetic during and after detox diets, most likely because of avoiding processed foods.

However, some detoxes should come with a health warning. Short term fruit, vegetable, juice and liquid detoxes have many merits but ultimately fail when it comes to the 'everything in moderation' test because they are so severe.

Instead of attempting to detox your body of toxins in a matter of days, try a simpler moderate approach, over a longer period of time.

Conventional produce is grown with chemical fertilisers and synthetic insecticides, while organic produce is grown with natural fertilisers and pesticides. Organic meats have far fewer harmful antibiotics, growth hormones, and medications that are fed to animals on conventional farms.

Stay hydrated

Getting enough water is essential to your health. Among its other health benefits, water helps maintain your bodyís fluid levels, which helps your kidneys flush out the bodyís main toxin, blood urea nitrogen.

  • Drink lemon water. Add lemon or lime juice to your water throughout the day. These fruits contain citric acid, which helps your body cut down fat. Plus, adding flavour to your water can make it a lot easier to get those eight daily cups in.

Cut out alcohol

Research has suggested that alcohol may be linked with the onset of certain types of cancer. Alcohol is also full of hidden and/or empty calories.

Avoid added sugars

Consuming excess sugar on a regular basis can cause your blood sugar levels to spike, putting you at greater risk for heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers in the long-run.

Always read nutrition labels and beware of added sugars in bread, salad dressings and sauces.

Limit exposure to toxins

These include carbon monoxide, radon, and asbestos, all of which may be found in homes.

*Carbon monoxide is a potentially fatal odourless chemical that is produced from furnaces, grills, and car engines. Side-effects include headaches, dizziness, and lethargy. Consider getting a carbon monoxide detector in your home, and keep your home properly ventilated.

  • Homes and buildings should be properly tested for asbestos and radon.
  • If you smoke ñ give up! And avoid being around smokers as secondary smoke inhalation is just as harmful.

Finally, try not to overdo it.

Above all, find a balanced, achievable programme that combines daily exercise and changes to a healthy diet, with regular, qualified supervision.

Remember you are trying to set the stage for healthy habits, not further stress your body with rapid, extreme and unsustainable change.