Category: Opinion

There is no such thing as pure objectivity, a view that is free of all bias. Yet that’s the claim often made by non-religious, secular thinkers in debates about values and public policy. They argue that their views, unlike those who admit that their views are grounded in religious principles, are objective and free from…

Dear Editor, Your October 22 front page headline ‘Some Catholic teachers feel “intimidated” in faith schools’, makes for very sad reading. Prompted by this and your August article on the quality of religious education (RE) in secondary schools, I have reflected upon my experience as principal of two English secondary schools. English bishops organise regular…

Dear Editor, Your recent article about “red tape gone mad” preventing priests from visiting their parishioners in hospitals throughout the country, seems like a further inroad from aggressive secularism (IC 08/10/2015). Hospital mission statements, framed and prominently displayed in out patient’s waiting areas, make much of patients’ rights to courtesy and proper respect from hospital…

The Buddhists have a little axiom that explains more about ourselves than we would like. They say that you can understand most of what’s wrong in the world and inside yourself by looking at a group-photo. Invariably you will look first at how you turned out before looking at whether or not this is a…