Category: Opinion

Dear Editor, Minister Katherine Zappone’s childcare scheme unfairly discriminates against stay-at-home parents. This is both unfair financially and disastrously flawed socially. The scheme sees parents who are both earning the median industrial wage, with two children in daycare, increase their previous yearly net income of €32,542 by €1920 (after tax and childcare costs). Meanwhile, a…

Dear Editor, I was amazed to read Gerard Gallagher in your ‘Notebook’ section (IC 13/10/2016) say that commentators have described Ireland’s young Catholics as “over-catechised and under-evangelised”. Any commentator who truly believes that could usefully spend half an hour in the company of Catholics in their teens, twenties, or even thirties and forties: one thing…

Thirty-four years ago when I launched this column, I would never have said this: restlessness is not something to be cultivated, no matter how romantic that might seem. Don’t get Jesus confused with Hamlet, peace with disquiet, depth with dissatisfaction or genuine happiness with the existential anxiety of the artist. Restlessness inside us doesn’t need…

Dear Editor, With the approach of Hallowe’en, we see lots of ugly masks, witch outfits, vampire costumes etc. in the shops. Perhaps we could do something to counteract the superstition and occult association with Hallowe’en, the eve of All Saints. Last year some people placed Rosary beads on their front door for the month of…