Category: World Report

The Holy Office: A seat for three

Letter from Rome The new head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith will be appointed in April, writes Andrea Tornielli   Next week, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith will hold a plenary session in the Palace of the Holy Office. Everyone expected the name of Cardinal William Levada’s successor…

World Report

  Nigeria: Christians flee Boko Haram violence Christians in the north of Nigeria are fleeing south following the latest attack by radical Islamists on their community. Having threatened to target Christians if they did not leave the predominantly Muslim north, the radical Boko Haram group launched a January 6 attack on the Deeper Life Christian…

The complicity within the hierarchy

  Ten years on the Church has still not addressed the credibility gap left by the scandals, writes Phil Lawler   Ten years have passed since the Boston archdiocese was engulfed in scandal, as the result of investigative reporting by the Boston Globe. Today, the faithful in Boston are still struggling to shake off the…

There is something heavenly in Leonardo Da Vinci’s work, writes Rory Fitzgerald from London   Leonardo da Vinci is currently visiting London. The most extraordinary collection of his works ever assembled in the British Isles is currently on display at London’s National Gallery. This exhibition is entitled ‘Painter at the Court of Milan’ and it…

A Mormon in the White House?

  Religion is moving centre-stage in the US presidential election, writes Kieron Wood   The victory of Mormon Mitt Romney in the Iowa caucus last week has once more highlighted the importance of religion in US presidential elections. In the 2012 Iowa caucus of January 3, Romney took only 25 per cent of the vote,…

Letter from Haiti: Rising from the rubble

  Two years after Haiti’s earthquake, Trócaire continues its work there, writes Eoghan Rice   In the labyrinth of narrow laneways that cut through Villa Rosa, Saul Darbouze leads us to the place he calls home. The path changes from concrete to mud as we enter further into this tangled web of side-streets and alleyways.…

World Report: US religious freedom body faces the axe

The future of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom is to be decided on December 16. The body, a federally funded commission which advocates for religious freedom and monitors religious abuses globally has been targeted as America attempts to reduce its trillion dollar deficit. When the commission’s funding came due for re-approval in late…

Pope Benedict calls for courageous leadership

The Pope has called on world leaders to be courageous and ethical in their responsibilities to their people. Speaking during his November 18-20 visit to the African nation of Benin, the Pontiff urged leaders: ‘Do not deprive your peoples of hope! Do not cut them off from their future by mutilating their present! ‘Adopt a…

Letter from Rome: Vatican II treasure hunt

A new committee is seeking memories of the famed council, writes Cindy Wooden With a view toward the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, a pontifical committee has launched a worldwide treasure hunt. Many of the more than 2,800 cardinals and bishops who participated in all or part of the 1962-65…