Campaigners demonstrate on 50th anniversary of abortion

Campaigners demonstrate on 50th anniversary of abortion

On the 50th anniversary since the legalisation of abortion in Britain pro-life campaigners took to the streets outside the British Embassy in Dublin.

Dr Ruth Cullen of the Pro-Life Campaign said that when the law was first introduced “no one envisaged that a law which appeared restrictive would lead to a situation where one in five pregnancies is now aborted”, adding that 200,000 abortions take place every year.

Dr Cullen accused the Oireacthas Committee on the Eight Amendment of not considering what an “abortion regime would look like practice. She referenced one of the largest abortion providers, Marie Stopes, who were recently accused of offering bonuses to staff members who convinced women to get an abortion after they had decided not to.

“There has been evidence for years that abortion clinics operate like conveyor belts, trying to hit daily targets for the number of abortions performed,” she said.

“In the debate on abortion in Ireland at present, a noticeable effort is being made to suppress stories about the dark side of abortion…”