The Greatest Catholic Jokes of all Time

With Pope Francis meeting Comedian’s from around the world tomorrow, we thought it was a good time, to dust off the old joke books, tickle the funny bones and present our list of ten of the greatest Catholic jokes of all time. Jesus asked God, “Where have you been these past 4 years?” God replied,…

Irish Comedians to Meet Pope

Ardal O’Hanlon, Tommy Tiernan, and Patrick Kielty are part of an international delegation of comedians who will meet Pope Francis on Friday. But will they be eating their words in the Vatican? Have you heard the one about the three Irish comedians who walked into the Vatican? As part of the Holy See’s efforts to…

Carlo’s Converts

As the first Millennial on the path to sainthood, Blessed Carlo Acutis demonstrated a remarkable ability to inspire faith in others. What can his story teach us about bringing others to the Faith? A child dragging their parent to Mass might seem like a real “man bites dog” situation. To be sure for many Catholic…

A Saint Born in London and Loved in Ireland

The news this week that Blessed Carlo Acutis may soon be canonised has been greeted with delight in Ireland, where he already inspires great devotion. The first saint to wear Nikes may soon become a reality. As we reported yesterday, Pope Francis has formally recognised a miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Carlo Acutis,…

And seven apparitions that are more contested

Although many may believe, the Vatican has not endorsed. Medjugorje Apparitions: Since June 24, 1981, six children in Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, claimed to have regular visions of the Virgin Mary. These visions reportedly continue to this day, drawing millions of pilgrims annually. The Vatican has not issued an official statement confirming the supernatural nature…

Scottish Catholics see a Protestant saviour

After centuries of religious sectarianism, Scottish Catholics have taken an unlikely fancy to the deeply Presbyterian Kate Forbes. Ian Dunn explains the shift. Scottish politics is a shambles. A decade on from losing a historic referendum on independence, the Scottish Nationalist Party remains in charge of the devolved government in Edinburgh. A decade of scandals,…

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Robot Priests and Other Heresies

This week, an AI ‘priest’ sparked consternation among many Catholics, but it is just the latest in a long line of attempts to merge theology with technology. Ian Dunn explores why the idea of a robot priest won’t go away As laicisations go, it was quick. Barely a day after American Catholic apologetics website Catholic…