Young Church

Several months ago I was in a group discussion in which the question was posed: “How do we make it easier for young adults to be Catholic?” The keyword is young adults. The eighteen and up age group that we are missing. I’ve thought about this question a lot! The question does not imply that…

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Young Church

The heavy exhale. The almost lifeless body beneath the covers. You beg, you plead, you offer the ultimatum that threatens a loss of phone or PlayStation. Slowly their overtired, hormone-driven corpse emerges from the darkness, bloodshot eyes rolling back in their heads as they make their way to the bathroom in hopes of being presentable… for…

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Young Church

Overturning Roe vs Wade is the result of a nearly 50-year effort committed to a singular outcome – protecting the lives of the unborn human. Without debate, this decision will carry profound political, social, and personal effects regarding pro-life topics throughout our culture, not only in America but indeed here in Ireland. We are already…

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Young Church

As the summer months continue, it has been a time to reflect, pause and even plan for the year ahead. For any of us linked to the school year – we are in the privileged position of having two new years to consider – both January and September. It always gets me thinking about what…

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Young Church

During a recent diocesan pilgrimage to Knock a conversation was sparked with a parent about the importance of going to Mass. We’re all familiar with the question that young people ask when we are taking them somewhere they are excited about: “Are we there yet?!” Unfortunately, when it comes to taking young people to Mass…

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