Unfair comment about Limerick

Dear Editor, Your paper of September 4 printed an article by Mary Kenny on Gardai in Henry St, Limerick, flying a flag as a gesture for support for gay people (‘Embracing all causes’). How uncalled for and offensive was Mary’s comment describing Limerick as a city “notorious for its crime rate”.

The media has already been unkind to us in Limerick, and such a judgment given in The Irish Catholic by a person of such repute hurts the people of Limerick deeply.
Yours etc.,

Sr Claire Morrissey,

Presentation Convent,


Mary Kenny responds: “I think it’s admirable to see Limerick so warmly supported and defended: my allusion to the association with crime was really more aimed at Limerick’s reputation which, as Sr Claire and Mr MacDiarmada have so robustly pointed out, is ill-deserved. On a more general point, however, I believe the job of a police force is to focus on crime rather than to strike attitudes, however well meant.”