Public is split on Good Friday drinking ban

Public is split on Good Friday drinking ban

The public is split almost exactly 50/50 on whether or not we should change our Good Friday drinking laws, with the greatest opposition coming from young people, according to new research.

The poll, conducted by Amárach Research and commissioned by The Iona Institute, found that 51% of the public supports a lifting of the alcohol sales ban and 49% are against it. But the majority of people aged 18-24 (58%) want to see the tradition of pubs closing on Good Friday to remain.


Women are also more likely to oppose the move with 54% against changing the drinking laws, while 56% of men support the proposal.

Dr John Murray, Chairman of The Iona Institute said that given that the public is “evenly divided on the issue of the Good Friday drinking laws” the Government should think twice before “giving in so completely to the vintners and restaurateurs”.


He called on the Government to recognise it is a good idea in itself to have two days of the year [Christmas Day and Good Friday] when alcohol is not served in public places.

“We already have a big alcohol problem in Ireland and we restrict pub opening hours and the sale of alcohol for exactly that reason,” he said.