Mexican state passes legislation to ‘respect life’ in schools

Mexican state passes legislation to ‘respect life’ in schools Marcial Padilla

A state in Mexico has passed legislation which requires students to receive education supportive of respect for all human life. The new education reform bill of the northern state of Nuevo Leon is meant to foster a “respect for life from conception to natural death” in students.

Nuevo Leon’s constitution “recognises, protects and defends the right to life that every human being has. From the moment of conception that life comes under the protection of the Law and is considered as having been born with regards to all corresponding legal effects until its natural death.”

“The initiative to recognise the right to life in education will help young people, adolescents and children learn to appreciate human life,” said Marcial Padilla, director of the ConParticipación platform.


Mr Padillia added he is hopeful the reform bill would “reduce suicide rates, reduce addictions and will also help young people understand that abortion is not an option”.

Above all, he said that students “will be able to know that abortion is always an attack on human life”.

Fr José Manuel Suazo Reyes, director of the communications office of the Archdiocese of Xalapa, also expressed satisfaction with the law.

“Mexico continues to cry out that it loves and wants life, and that abortion is not the solution,” he said.

“It’s important for the state to protect life,” added Fr Suazo, “but it is also essential that it form citizens in respect and care for life.

“This reform creates awareness in students of the dignity that every human life has, thus contributing to the reduction of discriminatory, aggressive and even criminal behaviour, as is the case with abortion.”