Running is the ideal way to start exercising
For those of you keen to begin exercising, running is the ideal way to start. It’s free, you can do it anywhere, and it burns more than its fair share of calories.
Regular running can reduce your risk of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and stroke. It can also boost your mood and keep your weight under control.
Before you start
If you feel out of shape, or you're recovering from injury or worried about an existing condition, see your GP before you start running.
Running requires very little equipment, but a good pair of running shoes that suit your foot type will reduce the risk of injury.
There are many types of trainers on the market, so get advice from a specialist running retailer who will assess your foot and find the right shoe for you.
Plan your runs. Work out when and where you're going to run and put it in your diary. That way, it won’t slip your mind.
Starting out
If you’ve not been active for a while, you may want to build your fitness levels gently before you move on to running.
To avoid injury and enjoy the experience, it’s essential to ease yourself into running slowly and increase your pace and distance gradually over several outings. Start each run with a gentle warm-up of at least five minutes. This can include stretching, quick walking, or even jogging on the spot.
Start walking for an amount of time that feels comfortable. Once you can walk for 30 minutes easily, include some running intervals of one to two minutes into your walking at a speed that feels comfortable. As time goes on, make the running intervals longer, until you're running for 30 minutes continuously.
Run with your arms and shoulders relaxed, and elbows bent. Keep an upright posture and a smooth running stride, striking the ground with the middle of your foot.
Remember to give yourself a few minutes to cool down after each run by walking followed by gently stretching your leg muscles.
Here are a few tips on motivating yourself:
Set yourself a goal
Whatever your level, setting goals is important for staying focused and motivated. Make your goals realistic to avoid becoming demoralised. Training for a race, such as a 5K, or a charity run is a good way to keep going.
Run with a friend
It helps to have someone about the same level of ability as you to run with. You’ll encourage each other when you’re not so keen to run. You'll feel you don't want to let your running partner down, and this will help motivate you.
Keep a diary
Keep a diary of your runs. Note down each run, including your route, distance, time, weather conditions and how you felt. That way, whenever your motivation is flagging, you can look back and be encouraged by how much you’ve improved.
Mix it up
Keep your running interesting by adding variety. Running the same route over and over again can become boring. Vary your distances and routes.