Family News & Events

Family News & Events
Helping kids move from primary to secondary

Transitioning from primary to secondary school can be difficult and intimidating for children, what better way to get them prepared than an outdoor skills programme in the wilds of Co. Mayo?

The day of fun, adventure and life learning is said to be an opportunity to;

-Explore how best to manage the transition in to secondary school.

-Learn how to better deal with worry and anxiety

-Improve your communication skills

-Identify fears and worries and learn coping skills

-Find ways to deal with bullying

-Fight fear by facing fear

-Learn some bushcraft skills.

The event is run by two trained professionals, a psychotherapist and an expert at outdoor education and ‘adventure management’.

Those interested are asked to bring waterproofs, layers of clothing, a packed lunch and water.

The meeting place is at Centra, Main Street, Newport at 9.45am sharp, July 18, before driving to the Bangor trail.

Tickets here.


Better communication leads to family dinners

A new study in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, published by Elsevier, connects less family discouragement and better family communication with a higher likelihood to eat evening family meals and family breakfasts together, and not in front of a television.

Researchers studied 259 parents who were also patients at either The Ohio State University or Wake Forest University accredited weight management and bariatric surgery facilities. They found parents who had better family communication and lower discouragement about trying to improve their eating habits were more likely to participate in family meals.

“It’s important to note all family members in the home have influence,” said study author Keeley J. Pratt, PhD. The Ohio State University, Columbus, US, said any family member can influence the adoption and maintenance of healthy patterns and behaviours in the home. “Even if someone doesn’t have the most power to influence the family (like children), they are all influencing each other.”


Know your family health history

Knowing the history of health issues in family members might just save your life but many people are unaware of what conditions they may be genetically predisposed to.

A study by medtech firm ANCON Medical found that 29% of people had no idea whether or not they have a family history of cancer, 21% know nothing about their parents’ medical history – and 57% know nothing about the medical history of their grandparents.

According to the British Heart Foundation, a family history of heart disease is a key risk factor when it comes to developing the UK’s biggest killer.

Asking family members about any prevalent conditions that keep coming up may be a huge help in reducing future risk. Conditions including stroke, kidney disease, diabetes and cancer all have been shown to have genetic links and so having a relative who has had the condition could raise your own risk, so don’t be shy!