700 students from 16 local primary and secondary schools fill church
The Seinn, Songs of Praise service for Catholic Schools Week in Dundalk saw over 700 students from 16 local primary and secondary schools fill the Holy Redeemer Church for a service involving song and dance led by Archbishop Eamon Martin.
The students were joined by over 300 parents, grandparents, teachers, priests, trustees, and representatives from Boards of Management. Also present was Msgr James Cassin, Executive Secretary to the Education Commission of the Irish Catholic Episcopal Conference.
The singing was enhanced by the accompaniment of Brendan McCourt, organist and also the rock band provided by St Malachy's Boys School. Soloists Breige Kelly, St Mary's College and Susan Dixon, St Joseph's School led the congregation in Benediction.
The organising committee said they were very pleased with the enthusiasm and dedication shown by schools both in preparing for the event and in their energetic participation on the day.