Category: Opinion

Dear Editor, It was interesting to read recent letters published in national newspapers regarding same-sex-marriage. In one such letter the writer made reference to ‘logic’. This prompted me, as part of a letter I wrote to the relevant newspaper, to pose the following question: “Logically, can a union which doesn’t include sexual complementarity be identical…

Dear Editor, Thanks to Pope Francis these are halcyon days, upbeat, joyous. Long may he and they last. We certainly need him now; he has been sending out signals that he means business; radical change is coming. But how permanent will the change be? Clergymen are renowned for ‘improving’ on the man before them. Every Pope sets…

Dear Editor, Regarding your article, ‘Archbishop still seeking clarification from nuns on abortion stance’ (IC 28/11/13), what has become of our Church in the face of the abortion onslaught when a prelate needs to engage in “ongoing” talks with a congregation of sisters towards clarifying their position on terminating the unborn? The facts as reported…

Dear Editor, Thank you so much for your extended coverage of the life and passing of the heroic Fr Alec Reid. A man given to humility and quiet efforts, he was nevertheless – as Fr Gerry Reynolds described him – “a great man”. For all that, however, The Irish Catholic was the one publication to…

Dear Editor, The present controversy surrounding the executive remuneration practices in the Central Remedial Clinic (CRC) invites attention to the position of the funding agency, The Care Trust, which is jointly owned by the CRC and The Rehab Group.  The Trust, according to its website, fundraises for its owners and it also has a long…