Category: Letters

Dear Editor, After reading Andrew O'Connell's Notebook article (IC 6/3/14) I went online to find out which national broadsheet newspaper had published the editorial to which he refers and to read the editorial itself. To my surprise, I discovered that the newspaper in question was not the one I initially assumed it was. Things have…

Dear Editor, I would be grateful for the opportunity of both informing and inviting, to a very special and poignant event which will take place next month. On April 2, 2014 time 4 pm , at Mount Jerome Cemetery in Dublin, a service will take place in honour of 222 babies and young children who died in…

Dear Editor, What Fr Radcliffe calls “act as police monitoring the lives of others” is usually called “admonish the sinner”. It is a work of mercy that can be difficult as sometimes the sinner doesn’t want to be admonished. Nevertheless for some, e.g., parents, godparents, priests, nuns, it is a duty. Thus, if a priest…

Dear Editor,  The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe will soon have to address the issue of late abortions, answering a written question submitted last January 31. Britain is particularly targeted following the revelation that each year, 60 foetuses survive after a late abortion for several minutes, and sometimes for several hours. They are left to…

Dear Editor, I would like to comment on the article on the parish of Sandyford, Kilternan and Glencullen. I am writing not just as a parishioner but also as chairman of a local soccer club Wayside Celtic FC which has over 500 members. I have never at any time over the years felt that the…

Dear Editor, In response to a letter, ‘Catholics, faith and the Francis effect’, (IC 16/1/14), the doubt was expressed, would people fall away from their faith when Pope Francis dies and is replaced by someone with perhaps different abilities. There is little doubt that Pope Francis’ powerful charisms have the ability to touch both Christians…

Dear Editor, It is not just pro-life groups but all of us that should be concerned that most of our main political parties reject the notion of allowing for a freedom of conscience in voting on such social issues as abortion. Sinn Féin like others before, lost an opportunity to be seen as a party that…

Dear Editor, Regarding David Quinn’s article, ‘The chattering class and its enemies’, (IC 13/2/14). He complains of no counter-balancing interviews on RTÉ in the euthanasia debate. May I direct his attention to The God Slot of Friday, October 18, 2013, on RTÉ Radio 1, which was acknowledged by no less an authority as Brendan O’Regan as…

Dear Editor, As Church we are enriched enormously through the gift that is the leadership and inspiration of Pope Francis.  However, a gift is useless unless we accept, embrace and utilise it to the full.  In realising the fullness of that giftedness, we will be aware that Pope Francis himself points us to the giftedness…

Dear Editor, What an excellent piece on Latterday Latin Classics by your books editor (IC 20/2/14). But I have to disagree with your editor that Catholic lovers of Latin see the language only as a way of preserving religious tradition. A knowledge of Latin is also vital to understanding the source of English words, such…