An Easter egg hunt with a difference

Test your knowledge of the events of Easter week

Palm Sunday is next week followed by Spy Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and finally, Easter. After two months of abstaining from luxuries we get to indulge in chocolate on Easter Sunday. But Easter is more than enjoying the chocolate egg you’ve been looking forward to all of Lent; the real celebration is the rebirth of Jesus. From Palm Sunday onwards we focus on the lead up to Jesus’ crucifixion and the people and events surrounding it.

On Palm Sunday, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. When he arrived into the city, the people laid down palms at his feet as a show of devotion to Our Lord.

While special devotion is given to the Holy Trinity, the Wednesday before Holy Thursday also has its significance. Known as Spy Wednesday, it was the day that Judas formally betrayed Jesus.

The events of Holy Thursday or Maundy Thursday were The Last Supper and the washing of the feet. Good Friday marks Jesus’ journey carrying his cross and ending in his crucifixion.


There’s nothing more exciting than an egg hunt coming up to Easter but this year, test your knowledge of the events of Easter week and have a little fun with an egg hunt/quiz activity.

Have someone hide mini eggs covered in foil in various locations, but first write out Easter trivia questions on scrolls of paper and then wrap the eggs up in these. Tie with string. Spend the afternoon gathering the questions and the eggs and save them for an evening quiz.

You can stretch this activity out over the course of the week. Start on Palm Sunday and base each day’s questions on the events of that day. Divide yourself into teams and use the eggs collected to reward as points for each question answered correctly. Don’t eat the eggs as it’s still Lent and you will need them at the end of the week when you add them up to calculate your points! Have a bonus quiz round on Easter Saturday or Sunday and hold prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.

The prizes can be anything from a chocolate bunny to a funky egg cosy or a goose egg for Easter Sunday breakfast. Using foil wrapped chocolate eggs as points makes everyone a winner!