Accord counsellor ‘not surprised’ by unchanged divorce numbers

Accord counsellor ‘not surprised’ by unchanged divorce numbers

A marriage counsellor at Accord says she is “not surprised” that divorce rates have remained largely the same since last year’s referendum on the terms for divorce in Ireland.

New data provided by the Courts Service to Culture Minister Josepha Madigan last week shows no major variation in the number of divorces being granted.

Mary Johnston, a counselling specialist at Accord’s Catholic Marriage Care Service CLG, told The Irish Catholic that this is because marriage is still “very much valued in Irish society”.

“I feel Irish couples who chose to marry are very committed to their marriages,” she says.


“They work at their relationships and seek support when their relationships become difficult.

“In my experience, couples commence marriage with the intention of their marriage enduring for their own benefit and that of any children they may have.”

Johnston adds that she was “not surprised (by the stats)” and was “very aware of couples’ commitment to their marriages”.