A book on dog quotes!

A book on dog quotes!
The Little Book of Dog Quotes

edited by Aubrey Malone (Barzipan Publishing, £8.95)

The world is divided, as we all know, into cat people and dog people. Being myself a dog person, I found this little book amusing. The world, according to P.G. Wodehouse, is divided into those who can stop a dog fight and those who cannot.

That is a good sample of  the gems the editor has collected, not jokes as such, but wry observations and comic asides by authors of all kinds on life with man’s best friend. But be warned, the gently cynical Czech Karel Čapek observed that if dogs could talk, perhaps we would find it as hard to get along with them as we do with people.

Though perhaps not for cat people, this jeux d’esprit is just the thing to amuse family members on a journey perhaps, or with their late night cocoa.

A percentage of the proceeds from this book are being donated to various dog charities.