Where are our courageous political leaders?

Dear Editor, Countries express horror at how the Nazis killed millions of innocent people in the gas chambers of concentration camps, yet these very same countries sanction the killing of millions of unborn human beings by abortion today. Why?

The evil of slavery was tolerated in the 19th Century and, until recent years, the cruelty of apartheid was accepted in South Africa. People consciously or unconsciously are beguiled and deceived by the same blind and stupid philosophy which in bygone years regarded black people as non-human.

A blind, stupid and atheistic philosophy, fostered by a so-called ‘liberal’ media, now regards unborn children as not fully human, even though modern technology clearly identifies the unborn child as perfectly human from the earliest weeks of conception. Governments, courting popularity and influenced by powerful one-sided media forces, shamefully sanction abortion laws.

Sadly there are no honest, courageous political leaders like Abraham Lincoln, William Wilberforce, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi in our world today, who would fight for vulnerable human beings.

Yours etc.,

Fr Con McGillicuddy,


Dublin 5.