The Pope of the poor

The Pope of the poor Pope Francis shakes hands with Bogdan Pampareu (4) and his mother, Irina Flodorova on his visit to Capuchin Day Centre when in Ireland.
The Pope in Ireland


Visiting the homeless

After touring the streets of Dublin, at around 4.30pm Pope Francis visited the Capuchin Day Centre, paying tribute to the dignity of the homeless, and meeting with several families who are in need.

The Pontiff spoke with the co-director of the centre, Bro. Kevin Crowley, and thanked him for his charitable work, saying: “The Church has real need of this witness, so thank you.”

Speaking in front of a group of disadvantaged people who use the centre, the Pope thanked them for trusting in the Capuchin fathers, and said that this form of charitable work reflects Jesus’ powerful message.

“They help you without taking away your dignity,” the Pontiff said. “That’s the face of Jesus Christ.”

The Pope also offered a blessing to those in attendance before meeting a number of volunteers who work in the centre.

After Francis’ presentation in the centre, Bro. Kevin said the message he gave was that we should show dignity and respect to every person in need.

“Wherever he went he always made sure the poor were his priority and I think that is one of the greatest gifts for us here today that the Pope came to visit the centre and showed his great love for the poor and for the homeless,” he said.