SVP’s grant to LGBT group should be withdrawn

Dear Editor, The €45,000 SVP grant pay-out to Galway LGBT will shock the many loyal, faithful Catholics who have supported the SVP and the poor with their money for decades.

The LGBT lobby group is currently campaigning for same-sex marriage in Ireland, with men marrying men, women marrying women and same-sex adoption of children as an Irish societal norm. The SVP, or any other Catholic agency, should not be funding LGBT groups with the Catholic faithful’s money – from any source.

The €45,000 grant should be withdrawn and spent instead on Galway’s poor, homeless and struggling families. The SVP administrators and National Management Council who sanctioned this payout to a political campaigning group, should resign or be removed from oversight of how the Catholic faithful’s donations are spent.

This LGBT grant has done huge damage to the image and credibility of the SVP as a Catholic agency serving the genuinely poor and destitute. Galway’s Bishop Drennan is correct to demand proper accountability and should be commended.

Yours etc.,

Oliver Maher,

Harolds Cross,

Dublin 6W.