SVP urges caution as pandemic protections come to a close

SVP urges caution as pandemic protections come to a close

A “perfect storm” of problems awaits families as the pandemic supports and protections are wound down, the Society of St Vincent de Paul (SVP) has warned.

A lack of “joined up thinking” on the removal of the moratorium on energy disconnections and evictions, and the ending of the Pandemic Unemployment Payment (PUP) in the coming months will cause problems and hardship for “thousands of individuals and families”, according to the society.

The moratorium on energy disconnections was lifted earlier this week, with the charity expressing concern about the fact that “so many people are still out of work” as the move took place.

“We are worried that the cumulative impact will bring severe distress to thousands of people who are already struggling. With the vaccine being rolled out and an end in sight, Government should be doing all that they can to ensure the right supports are in place to help families and individuals stay afloat through the economic uncertainty that lies ahead,” said Dr Tricia Keilthy of SVP.