St Agatha’s parish remembers North Strand bombings 80 years on

St Agatha’s parish remembers North Strand bombings 80 years on File photograph: The Irish Times

Every day is “remembrance day” in St Agatha’s parish, of the 28 people killed and over 90 injured after four bombs were dropped on Dublin’s North Strand 80 years ago.

“The loss of 28 people, it’s just extraordinary,” Fr Brendan Kealy of St Agatha’s told The Irish Catholic.

“Every day here is a remembrance day of all those who lost their lives, because so many around this parish were affected.”

The North Strand bombing was not the first time the south of Ireland was bombed by the Germans during the Second World War, but it was the costliest. As well as 28 deaths and over 90 injuries, around 300 homes were destroyed.

For “the people here, it’s never too far from their hearts or minds,” Fr Kealy said following a special Mass for the 80th anniversary of the bombing.