Religious education in schools worked

Dear Editor, Politicians that suggest schools are not appropriate places for teaching religious education are not worthy of their positions. To maintain more time be spent on science, maths and languages, just to respond to economic demand, at the expense of their spiritual needs, is a very naïve mode of thought.

Between the age of three and 12 years, children wade through the most impressionable, most formative mentally and psychologically influencing stage of their lives. The whole primary school curriculum is integrated where each subject feeds into and draws from the others. 

Religion in the school at this stage is also vital for the child’s moral development. They learn more about God, what’s right or wrong, the importance of obedience, generosity, good manners, love and kindness and, finally, the significance of life and death.

Religion in the school supports and adds expertise to the lessons learned from their parents in the home. It teaches them to be good citizens and to love others as God loves them. From my own experience, after plodding through a world of materialism, secularism and extremism – these were the indelible lessons on my mind, which have seen me safely through thick and thin. 

I love seeing the pride and happiness exuding from the faces of young married couples continuing to bring their little children to Mass after their first Holy Communion. The joy and enthusiasm of the kids as they grasp the atmosphere, looking for baby Jesus and lighting candles with their parents is edifying. Our newest bishop, Dr Kevin Doran of Elphin inferred in his pastoral letter: “As parents, your active participation with your children in school and parish activity lead to more fulfilling involvement, as well as a moment to reflect on your own faith journey.” There rests the future of our Church!

Yours etc.,

James Gleeson,


Co. Tipperary.