Dear Editor, I write to express my welcome and support for the excellent article in your edition of 30/07/2015 by Fr Seán MacGiollarnáth on Amnesty International and that organisation’s support for widespread access to abortion. He expressed perfectly the inexplicable contradiction of a “human rights” advocacy group categorising unborn human life as worthy of protection, or otherwise, depending on whether that child has some illness, condition or syndrome. Only God can judge the value of a human life. No government, NGO or doctor has the authority to condemn an innocent person to death. God gave up his own Son on a cross out of love for every human being, so every human life is of equal, inestimable value.
Coincidentally, in that same paper, Mags Gargan wrote about missionary Sr Anne Carr MMM, whose work in Malawi inspired Bono of U2 to refer to her in their song Crumbs from Your Table.
This song contains the line: “Where you live should not decide whether you live or whether you die”. It is desperately sad that one of the most dangerous places for a child to live today is inside its mother’s womb; the two greatest risk factors for unborn children are being ill or being female.
Yours etc.,
Shane Hogan,
Co. Limerick.