Dear Editor, Does Niall Guinan’s reasoning in ‘Not in my Name’ (IC 30/07/2015) add up?
Fittingly he says “The eighth amendment is an equality provision, protecting the most vulnerable human beings among us”.
Planned Parenthood takes “the most vulnerable human beings” with a spark of divine being, kills them, takes the parts, “dead” in the sense of being separated from their organic unity, and sells them for research.
Some Planned Parenthood supporters assert that research enables remedies for diseases. For them promoting abortion and euthanasia is a modern, love-driven, self-elected saviourhood for adults. Contrary to Church teaching it views the body as a possession rather than a sacred trust. Niall Guinan disagrees with this modern act of man using his own power to manipulate nature according to modern wishes.
The ‘yes vote’ changing the definition of marriage was also a self-election to saviourhood, not impelled by the Holy Spirit, aimed at fulfilling human desires in an assertion of love.
It ignored the interrelated bride-bridegroom nature of both Church and marriage, viewing the body as a possession rather than a sacred trust. It represented a manipulative onslaught on natural marriage by humanly managed forces – technology, State ‘machinery’, mass media.
On foot of the successful ‘yes vote’ many children yet unborn, rebuking their human architects will ask “Did I solicit thee to deliberately deprive me of the organic unity of male-female parenting in my formative years?”
Yours etc.,
Con Devree,
Co. Limerick.