Granting the red hat North and South

Dear Editor, You recently published an article on what the chances were of an imminent Irish cardinal – poor enough at present, I agree (IC 16/1/14).

But by way of explanation that it would be heading North when finally bestowed, you stated that the odds are in favour of such an eventuality because, with the exception of Cardinal Cullen “all Irish cardinals have been Archbishops of Armagh until Desmond Connell’s elevation to the College of Cardinals in 2001”. However, that is not the case, since Edward McCabe, who immediately succeeded Cullen to the Metropolitan See of Dublin, received his red hat in 1882. In turn he was succeeded by the Archbishop of Armagh, Cardinal Logue.

During my postgraduate research into that particular period, I am confident to relate that Logue’s elevation was due in no small part to prevent the then Archbishop opf Dublin, Dr Walsh, from being honoured with the red hat when he succeeded Cardinal McCabe – because of his pro-Home Rule views.

Here in our friary church we promote The Irish Catholic every week. For myself, I peruse every edition cover to cover. By way of conclusion I take this opportunity of expressing my warmest appreciation for all the good work both you and your staff contribute in promoting Christian values and works through this very important medium.

Yours etc.,

Fr Edward O’Callaghan,

Lady Lane,
