Govt’s salvation claim is quite laughable

Dear Editor, The Taoiseach’s claim that Fine Gael and Labour have saved Ireland is hilarious.  Prior to the economic crash there were few enlightened warnings from the Opposition benches.

The late Brian Lenihan, while terminally ill, took courageous steps to stave off disaster and his policy has been followed since.  On the other hand, Labour / Fine Gael have done immense damage to the social structure of Ireland and threaten to do even more damage, given the opportunity.

They were responsible for the legalisation of direct deliberate abortion in certain circumstances, engineering a very deceptive referendum – heavily influenced by foreign money – on same-sex-marriage, and running an undeclared war on denominational schools to deprive parents of the constitutional right to educate their children according to their ethos.

Both Labour and Fine Gael deny their own deputies the basic human right of conscientious objection on ethical issues. The Irish Constitution was conceived as a Christian Constitution based on Natural Law. and, in the Preamble, invokes the Most Holy Trinity and the Divine Lord Jesus Christ. What Fine Gael/Labour has done to the Constitution and plan to do is a gross abuse of power.

Yours etc.,

John O’Reilly

The Second Look Project, Merrion Square, Dublin 2.