Former Pussycat Doll singer to speak at Dublin Rally for Life

Former Pussycat Doll singer to speak at Dublin Rally for Life Kaya Jones speaking at an event in West Palm Beach, Florida. Picture: Gage Skidmore.

Kaya Jones, who was a singer with the globally famous band, Pussycat Dolls, has described in stark terms how she believes the music industry controls and abuses young women, including pressuring them into having an abortion.

Ms Jones will be speaking at this year’s Rally for Life in Dublin this June.

Last January, Kaya opened up on Christine Yeargin’s podcast “Speak Out” where she discussed her experience with having three abortions, describing them as “painful beyond measure” and as “something that you will live with for the rest of your life”.

Ms Jones subsequently went on a huge spiritual, emotional and physical journey of healing. She regrets her abortions and says that once you have your first abortion you become desensitised to the choice that you are making not knowing the gravity of the “choice”. She describes abortion in today’s culture as a “form of contraception” and says that she will always “regret the three children that I will never have”.

This year’s Rally for Life, will take place in Dublin on Saturday July 6 in Parnell Square.