Communion should be available for all

Dear Editor, There have been many consoling, encouraging and beautiful experiences in my privileged 62 years of priesthood; few, however, more beautiful than witnessing and ministering to the love of God’s people for the God who loves them, as they receive him in Holy Communion.

You published on December 11 a front page story and a full page inside on the topic of availability of this love encounter for the people for whom Jesus has provided it, without one single reference to those people.

The availability of Eucharistic ministers, one of the many fruits of the Second Vatican Council, exists specifically to try to see that God’s holy people would not be deprived of Holy Communion.

Is this now to be reversed because some theoretician says that “the conditions which would justify weekday Communion services currently do not exist in Ireland”?

The existence of one individual longing to receive the Jesus he/she loves constitutes the primary condition for its availability. Are we back to the levitical and pharisaical legalism that Jesus fought so hard against, where observance of law
took precedence over its purpose?

Are our bishops to be advised to forget the very raison d’etre of lay ministers, to ignore the invaluable service that makes Holy Communion available when God’s people would otherwise be denied it?

In every tabernacle in the world Jesus has replaced bread with his own love-filled spiritual presence that he longs to transmit to those who want him.

I read no reference to the total frustration of that love of Jesus on either of your pages.


Your etc.,

Fr Ignatius (Jim) Candon OP,


Co. Kildare.