Category: Comment & Analysis

St Patrick in the North

So, do many people celebrate St Patrick’s day in Northern Ireland?” I asked the cabbie on the drive into town from Belfast Airport. “It depends,” he answered carefully. “It depends on what sections of the community you’re talking about, so it does.” It’s usually a mistake to get into a conversation with a taxi-driver on…

Praying and waiting in anxious times

It’s almost 1,600 years since St Patrick set foot on Irish soil and transformed the world with the life-giving message of the Gospel. This year, his feastday on March 17 will be noticeable more for the absence of commemoration than any celebrations. Fears around the coronavirus have forced the cancellation of the secular celebrations that…

Let’s get back down to basics

In business as in life, one of the killer phrases is “we’ve never done it that way before”. In the Church context we might well add: “We tried that before and it didn’t work.” Those who seek to calibrate our lives and actions by the light of the Gospel would do well to be wary…