Archbishop Martin decries ‘shocking’ modern warfare in Gaza

Archbishop Eamon Martin has decried the “shocking” example of modern warfare in Gaza in his message for World Day of Peace. Reflecting on Pope Francis’ message highlighting the “serious ethical questions related to the armaments sector”, particularly the weaponisation of artificial intelligence, the archbishop of Armagh said “we must not lose sight of the shocking…

Vatican panel celebrates declaration of human rights anniversary

Jonathan Luxmoore As the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is celebrating its 75th birthday, the Vatican’s Permanent Representative in Geneva, Archbishop Ettore Balestrero, organised a symposium that aimed to focus on both human rights and care for creation. The December 8 symposium, co-sponsored by the Sovereign Order of Malta, Caritas in Veritate Foundation, and the…

Telling the truth or the whole truth

Dear Editor, In George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four world the bandwagon effect has made people so timid that all enrol for the brainwashing programmers; nobody wants to incur the sanctions of ‘Big Brother’. In the real world many hide their firmly held beliefs and give way before public opinion. By not daring to speak the truth…

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In Short

American order mourns loss of Irish sister Sr Mary O’Mahony OSF (formerly Sister Mary Cornelia) died in Assisi House on Sunday, December 10, aged 91. She had been a professed member of the Sisters of St Francis of Philadelphia for 72 years. Sr Mary is predeceased by her sister, Sr Nora O’Mahony, who was also…

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