Recent books in brief

Tidings of Comfort and Joy: A Christmas Feast of Faith and Fun by Pam Rhodes (Hodder & Stoughton, £14.99) Pam Rhodes will be familiar to many as the presenter of that ever popular BBC offering Songs of Praise. This selection of hymns, poems and thoughts was intended for Christmas, but then Christmas is not just…

The world of books

The ghosts of Lafcadio Hearn The Little Museum of Dublin has been running an exhibition devoted to Lafcadio Hearn, “the writer on Japan”, as the reference books once used to say. The revival of interest in Hearn in Ireland has been due to the enthusiasm of former ambassador Paul Murray, who through his biography of…

Marie-Claire Campbell (8) from Foxrock peering through some international flags as she listens to a speaker at the World Day of Prayer For Peace Mass celebrated by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin in the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour in Foxrock, Dublin. Photo: John McElroy

Bishop John Buckley of Cork and Ross, former Cork and Sarsfield’s hurler, watched by club Chairman, Cllr Thomas Gould and main organiser, Jason Daly, launching the St Vincent’s GAA Dave McCarthy Memorial Poc Fada at Clogheen, Cork. Photo: Mike English

Jean Vanier and the Year of Mercy

Staff reporter Renowned Catholic thinker Jean Vanier will be the theme of an event in Dublin next week to mark the ‘Year of Mercy’. Mr Vanier is renowned for his founding of the L’Arche movement and his work with people living with developmental disabilities. US-based Prof. Michael W. Higgins, an expert on Vanier’s spirituality and author…

Pope Francis has re-awakened Irish religious

Margaret Cartwright There are ambitious plans to put the promotion of vocations centre-stage in 2016, writes Margaret Cartwright Vocations Ireland is excited about receiving a recent grant from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. This will give us the opportunity to plan and develop new programmes towards helping the development of a growth in the understanding…

A crisis in antibiotic-  resistant infections

Prof. William Reville The average British life expectancy at birth in 1900 was 50 years, today it is 81 years. Much of this improvement can be attributed to modern scientific medicine and in particular to the introduction of antibiotics. Many bacterial infections such as septicemia and puerperal fever that killed so many people historically can…

Creating a garden of tranquility

Transition Year students from Tuam describe a project to create a green space for their school We chose ‘The Power of Women’ as our theme for Transition Year 2015/2016. This theme was reflected in all our projects and assignments. In the ‘Build a Bank Challenge’ we introduced students to an influential woman every week. We selected these…

Sinn Féin: A party in the making for 2016?

Joe Carroll Power Play. The Rise of Modern Sinn Féin by Deaglán De Bréadún (Merrion Press, €17.99) This valuable book is all, or nearly all, you need to know about Sinn Féin under Gerry Adams, as the party gears itself to enter the corridors of power after this year’s general election. The author, an experienced political…