Archbishop Martin echoes Pope’s AI warnings

Archbishop Martin echoes Pope’s AI warnings Photo: OSV News photo/Dado Ruvic, Reuters

In a statement, Archbishop Eamon Martin of Armagh, chair of the Council for Communications of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference commented on the Pope’s message for World Communications Day.

Nowadays, online content is created by both, humans and machines, mentioned the Archbishop. He also pointed out the Pope’s words on how AI in the wrong hands could result in “disturbing scenarios”.

The 58th World Day of Communications happened last Sunday, May 12. This year’s theme was ‘Artificial Intelligence and the Wisdom of the Heart: Towards a Fully Human Communication’.

Archbishop Martin mentioned how the Pope challenges the people to consider how technology affects humanity and whether it makes persons “humanly richer, or poorer”. Which can be an invitations to reflect on how artificial intelligence (AI) might be utilised to promote the mission of the Gospel.

The use of AI in Europe is regulated by the AI Act. The Act says that AI systems are analysed and classified according to the risk they pose to society.

In his message, the Pope mentioned the possible advantages and disadvantages of AI. It could represent “important innovations in agriculture, education and culture, an improved level of life for entire nations”. He also pointed the danger of AI used in weapons and wars, and elements like ‘deepfakes’ on social media.