Abortion on ‘British model’ unacceptable

Abortion on ‘British model’ unacceptable Protesters hold up banners on a bridge in Dublin. Photo: CNS

Dear Editor, In the Trinity College Long Room lies an original copy of the 1916 Proclamation. As I read the words that helped establish a Republic (on the Irish model) I could not help but reflect on the deep irony of parties like Sinn Féin and in particular the Labour Party calling for abortion based on “the British model”. Before the election Ivana Bacik, Alec White and Joan Burton all loudly declared that “our Red Line issue will be the introduction of  abortion based on the 1967 British Abortion  Act’’. So much for the “Irish Republic” breaking free from “an alien government” as the Proclamation declared.

Since 1967 the ‘’British abortion model’’ has resulted in eight million fatalities. NHS statistics reveal that 98% of these abortions are for “social reasons”.

There has been scandal after scandal revealed in the British press of doctors pre-signing batches of authorisation forms and the abortion of healthy babies up to 24 weeks and babies with mild disabilities like Cleft Palate or Club Foot being aborted up to birth. Indeed abortion based on “disability” is freely available at any stage and only one in a hundred Down Syndrome babies ever see the light of day.

The overwhelming media bias here results in people never hearing about these horror stories.

Yours etc.,

Raymond McIntyre,


Co. Westmeath.

photo: CNS