Abortion has far-reaching consequences

Dear Editor, How right the doctors for life were in their recent letter published in your paper (IC 18/09/2014) where they stated that having an abortion does not reverse the pregnancy.

In fact one can also add that from the moment fertilisation takes place the woman becomes a mother. She will depart this life as a mother, and enter the next life as a mother. This child also has a father irrespective of the circumstances of the conception.

The new human being also has two sets of grandparents, aunts, uncles and possibly brothers and sisters, none of whom will be aware of the existence of this child while on this earth.

How surprised many people will be in the next life when they meet for the first time all the children and relatives they were not aware of in this life. The abortionist may kill the baby but God has already infused in it an immortal soul that will exist for all eternity.

So while pro-choicers would like to tell us that abortion is a private act, starting and ending with the woman, it in fact has far-reaching consequence affecting many people and continues into eternity.

Yours etc.,

Denis O’Connor,

Tralee, Co. Kerry.