Wishing stars for New Year resolutions

Wishing stars for New Year resolutions

Christmas is over and the new year is here yet it’s not too late or even too early to make decorations for next Christmas. During the Christmas holidays, it can be easy to forget to make New Year’s resolutions when you are caught up in all of the festivities. Making your resolutions early in January can help motivate you to stick to them more. Especially with the help of these wishing stars. Write wishing stars at the beginning of the year and store them somewhere safe until the end of the year.

Writing New Year’s resolutions can be daunting as committing to several goals is sometimes easier said than done. Therefore, try to compare each resolution to one you made the previous year. Your resolutions can be anything from learning a new skill to taking up a new hobby or kicking a bad habit. With the Olympics back this year, it may inspire you to get involved in more sports. If your wish is to read more books, set a specific number of books you’d like to read and if you end up reading more than the goal number then you’ll feel even more proud for having fulfilled a resolution.

First make a list of your resolutions and wishes for this year. 2016 is a leap year so write an extra special resolution to fulfil on February 29.


For the wishing tree stars you will need coloured paper card, a hole punch, glitter, glue and scissors.

Trace a star shape on the card and use this as a template for cutting out the rest of the stars. Cut out as many stars as you like. Refer to your list and write each resolution onto a star. With the hole punch make a hole through one of the star points. Thread through some string and tie a knot. Store all of the wishings stars in a box until you need them. When Advent arrives later this year, open up the box and look over your resolutions. Take the stars with the resolutions you fulfilled and hang them on the Christmas tree. Hanging up the stars with the fulfilled resolutions will make you feel proud of what you have achieved. If you prefer, you can create a separate tree to hang the wishing stars from. Place some branches in a vase or large jug and hang the stars from the branches.