We cannot serve God and money

Dear Editor, Perhaps this Lent we should concentrate on why our societies are becoming more unhappy. Politicians are simply not getting their heads around the scary statistics about the growth of the unhappiness indicators – depression, obesity and eating disorders – in our societies across the western world.

These illnesses are mostly associated with prosperity of a material kind, even depression which may result from long-term unhappiness about the meaninglessness of their prosperous lives. Those suffering from them are simply ill-equipped as citizens to fight against their overwhelming power.

The nature and extent of these powerhouses of misery mean that they must be fought at a much higher level. Political policy initiatives must be informed by the best scientific evidence and medical strategies.

However, the promotion of the god Money in our societies as a matter essential for all political advancement is in total conflict with any attempts to address these ‘prosperity’ indicators of unhappiness.

So our societies, most of our politicians and many of our doctors have a complete blind spot about this problem and that is why it is growing rapidly.

Jesus said, “You cannot serve God and Money.” Maybe, these days we’re beginning to understand why he said that.   

Yours etc.,

John O’Connell,  

Derry City,

Co. Derry.