Warm welcome for hot lunches

Warm welcome for hot lunches

Children at a Dublin school are delighted with an innovative hot school meals scheme being road-tested ahead of a wider pilot scheme, according to school authorities.

“The children are loving the food,” Tonya Hanly, principal of Our Lady of Lourdes National School in Goldenbridge, told The Irish Catholic. “Certainly the children are benefitting and there are quite a number of children who would not have a hot meal or have access to cooking facilities, so for them it’s great. “

Fr Louis McDermott, Parish Priest of Inchicore’s St Michael’s Church and a member of the school board of management, echoed this. “It’ll be valuable, especially for some families,” he said. “It’ll mean a lot to them to get a hot meal during the day.”

“It’ll be very interesting to see especially how the parents feel, and if they’re happy with it,” he added, noting that so far the reaction to the move “seems to be very positive from both the children and from the parents”.