US report on sex abuse to be fully released

US report on sex abuse to be fully released Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled it will allow the release of a redacted version of a grand jury report on a months-long investigation into sexual abuse claims in six Pennsylvania dioceses, some of which go back decades.

In June the court had put a hold on the full report being released because it said it needed to review challenges filed by “many individuals” named in the report.


“A number of the petitioners asserted that they were not aware of, or allowed to appear at, the proceedings before the grand jury,” the court said in its five-page opinion issued July 23.

On July 27 the court said the report will be edited to protect the identities of those challenging its release and the redacted version can be made available to the public as early as August 8 and no later than August 14.

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, whose office conducted the investigation into claims in the dioceses of Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, Allentown, Scranton, Erie and Greensburg, praised the court for its ruling but said in a statement that he will continue to fight to ensure that “every single victim is heard” and Church officials “are held accountable.”