Tourists should promote respect online says cardinal

Tourists should promote respect online says cardinal Cardinal Peter Turkson

With more and more people planning their vacations online and sharing their experiences digitally, the tourism industry and tourists themselves should pay more attention to using online forums to encourage respect for the locales visited and for the communities that live there, the Vatican said.

In a message for the September 27 celebration of World Tourism Day, Cardinal Peter Turkson, prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, said the “digital transformation” of tourism has the potential for promoting happier and healthier vacations that do more to protect the natural environment and promote authentic encounters between people.

The cardinal’s message was released by the Vatican on August 4.

For the 2018 celebration of the day, the World Tourism Organisation is focusing on the industry’s digital transformation. The cardinal’s message noted how digital technology is “dramatically changing the way we live periods of rest, vacation, mobility and tourism in all its forms”.

Digital innovation, Cardinal Turkson wrote, should have the aim of “promoting inclusiveness, increasing the engagement of people and local communities and achieving an intelligent and equitable management of resources”.