The Church offers plenty of pastoral help

Dear Editor, Margaret Hickey in her letter (IC 20/11/2014), commenting on the apparent confusion on the synod and Archbishop Diarmuid Martin’s comment on the “longing for certainties”, asks for “the greatest charity from bishops to instruct the faithful in their faith”, saying that the issue is that of “teaching and fidelity to teaching”.

I have not heard at any point the synod dismiss the teachings of the Church in accordance with the Church’s faith in Jesus and the Church’s interpretation through dogma and theology.

When Pope Francis is asking us continually to put Jesus at the centre of our faith (and in the European Parliament to put the person at the centre of their politics), he is not deviating from the Church’s pastoral and doctrinal approach.

The confusion might come from what the archbishop names “personal uncertainties rather than strong faith” and fuelled among the lay people by the participation in the synod of Cardinal Kasper and others, who question some of the Church’s teachings.

If there is a synod there has to be talk and analysis – the ‘faith and reason’ that Pope Benedict embraced. Then guidelines have been issued for next year.
The Pope has also asked us all to open our hearts to people that are in situations that do not conform to this teaching.

“Pastoral care and compassion” talk and analysis have not undermined the Church’s sacramental teaching based in natural law. And I very much doubt, to the point of “personal security”, that the synod will move in directions opposed to natural law in its sacramental theology of matrimony.

As regards compassion and inner growth in humanity and faith, I am sure we all agree that we can all in the Church do with more of these: with more relationship with Jesus, the source of truth and love.
The Church is offering us plenty of pastoral help in sacramental, teaching and personal areas to enable us to do it.

Yours etc.,

Conchita Legorburo-Serra,


Co. Dublin.