The bishops need God to enlighten them

Dear Editor, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin’s recent call for the Church to listen to married couples who have failed is a little puzzling. He mentions the high standards expected of them, but God never gave any person a standard without the grace to achieve it.

He fails to mention why he has not spoken out on the reasons why so many marriages are breaking down. For well over a generation now governments have been penalising married couples in various ways, one being the tax system. By their silence our hierarchy have given consent to this.

Neither Archbishop Martin nor his fellow bishops, who are our teachers, have ever even spoken of Humanae Vitae. By their negligence they have dissented from a core Catholic teaching. So in ignorance about contraception married couples are excluding God from this part of their lives, and this leaves a wide door for Satan to come in and wreck families.

As it looks like the hierarchy is not going to change, we must ask God to enlighten them. Until that happens, the faithful will have to ask Christ and Our Lady to guide them.

Yours etc.,

David Kelly,


Dublin 12.